Redefining confidence with results that reveal the real you.

Laser facial treatment
This non-invasive laser treatment works to reduce redness, fine lines and wrinkles, and stimulate collagen production to assist with anti-ageing.
  • Often described as a comfortable treatment with a mild warming sensation, No numbing is required.
  • It stimulates the production of collagen and promotes tissue remodelling. As a result, the skin becomes firmer, smoother, and more even in tone over time.
  • It also targets the blood vessels, helping to reduce redness and inflammation in the skin.
  • By stimulating collagen, the treatment can also help reduce the appearance of large pores and improve the overall texture of the skin.

Frequently asked questions

Our Laser facial uses a non-ablative laser that gently heats the deeper layers of the skin without damaging the surface. The treatment targets the microvascular system and stimulates the body’s natural healing processes.
This treatment is safe for all skin types, including those with pigmentation concerns.
You’ll notice an immediate glow and plumpness after your treatment, leaving your skin looking refreshed and hydrated. Over time, the benefits continue to build, with a series of four to six treatments gradually improving skin texture, firmness, and overall youthfulness for long-lasting results.
The procedure is gentle and non-invasive, making it ideal for those seeking skin improvement without the need for recovery time. Most people can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment. Although avoiding heat inducing activities for 48 hours post is recommended.
Laser facials start from $250 for the face area. Your treatment includes a complimentary consultation with your Dermal Therapist, during which you will receive a personalised treatment plan and a detailed breakdown of the final cost. For more information about this treatment or to book a complimentary skin consultation, please contact your chosen Skin Societé clinic.

Consult the leaders in cosmetic aesthetics

At Skin Societé, our experienced Doctors and Cosmetic Nurses are dedicated to helping you achieve your skin goals with personalised treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. We offer all patients a complimentary consultation, including a detailed skin analysis and a discussion of your concerns, to create a personalised plan that supports your journey to more confident skin.

Personalised care

We craft tailored treatment plans that are uniquely yours, ensuring each experience is as individual as you are.

Expert team

Our clinicans combine profound expertise with extensive experience, embodying excellence in every consultation.

Real results

We achieve naturally transformative results that enhance your natural beauty, fostering a sense of self love from the outside in.